The Bible Prophecy in the News most often is the ” Mark of the Beast ”
Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
There are 3 WAYS of being Part of this One World Order of the Beast .
- Take the Mark of the Beast
- Worship His Name
- Take the Number of His Name
I believe that more than 66.6 % of the World Population already received the Number of His name by Taking the Covid RNA JABS . with a Jab certificate that almost become a Digital ID By 2021 . The Next step by WHO will be accepted with open arms due to the Ones that already received the Number of the Beast not only by certificate but via DNA as well. Remember this is All Part of Gods Master End time Plan . Gods Timeline plan is Ticking and NOBODY will be able to stop it !
Now in the News
WHO Agenda To Track And Trace Everyone To Advance In 2024
The World Health Organization continues to advance the Global Digital Health Certification Network, where they want to track and trace everyone worldwide.
WHO Agenda To Track And Trace Everyone To Advance In 2024
An expert observer of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that despite the organization’s own internal failure to meet its deadlines on making controversial and disputed amendments to its International Health Regulations in light of the COVID pandemic, the WHO is forging ahead with an agenda that includes plans for a global vaccine passport.
In September, the U.N. surreptitiously adopted a declaration aimed at “preventing” future pandemics despite the opposition of a number of member states, with the full backing of the WHO. This week, the organization began working through controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations, but as observers are noting, things did not go as planned.
On Monday, Jim Roguski, a member of the Law & Activism Committee at the World Council for Health, joined “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” to discuss the status of the WHO amendments.
“They actually dropped quite a bombshell this morning,” he explained. “They admitted that they do not think that they are going to meet the deadline of the middle of January, which is when they were obliged to submit a package of amendments to the WHO four months in advance of the assembly that meets in May [2024 ]. So that’s the good news.”
Roguski continued, “But then they went on to concoct a story. And I really, honestly feel that they’re trying to bend the rules to the point of breaking them. They’re going through a hodgepodge of gobbledygook or legalese to try to justify their failure.”
Roguski went on to make it clear that any U.N. member states can reject the amendments, which he argues could affect “fundamental freedoms” by redefining key legal terminology like “vaccine,” “pandemic,” “safe,” and “effective.”
“I’ve put a call out … an open letter to every world leader [and said], ‘Look at what is in those amendments.’ They all have the authority under Article 61 of the charter to just write a letter to the WHO and say, ‘No, we reject those amendments for our nation.’ Now, none of this is all going to just happen by itself. But … if you pray to God for what it is you want and you do the work that you’re directed to do, miracles happen. And so I’m very optimistic with this news this morning.”
However, as Roguski further contended, there is still an unprecedented level of global power that the WHO is attempting to achieve.
“The biggest concern that I have is the Global Digital Health Certification Network, where they want to track and trace everybody — it’s essentially a vaccine passport,” he noted. “There are many more wildly ridiculous and egregious things like turning recommendations into obligations so that the director general would effectively be the dictator general.”
Roguski also pointed out that “the Indian delegation proposed crossing out language in the existing regulations, which currently say that the regulations should be implemented with ‘full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of people.’ And astonishingly, they suggested crossing that out. I suspect, but I don’t know, that those things are crossed out and they’re not currently in the documents being negotiated.”
Roguski underlined that the hidden nature of the WHO’s actions is particularly concerning. “The big issue is we don’t know what those current documents are because they’re keeping them totally secret. And that is really all anybody needs to know. Things that are done in secret are generally not considered to be good. What is it that they’re trying to hide?”
Roguski concluded by urging the public to spread the word about what the WHO is attempting to do.
“Step number one is to recognize that awareness is the start of everything,” he emphasized. “If you’re not aware of something, you’re not going to do anything about it. If you go to stoptheamendments.com, you can see all of the detailed information about what they’re trying to do. But it really starts with spreading the word. We, all of us, have the ability to be the media.”